Monday, October 20, 2014

The State of Utah's Department of Human Service, Office of Recovery Services

 So I have the extreme pleasure of dealing with the Office of Recovery Services in Utah. They handle child support. I have tried for 3 years to get a reduction in my child support, California set it, and since moving to Utah (I now live in South Carolina due to issues with Utah), two and a half years ago they have given me the run around.
 The initial form they ask you for is pretty simple to fill out, this is not the form requesting the paperwork, I filled it out completely, sent in the 2 pay stubs they asked for (note it said 2 pay stubs or last years W2) and waited for them to get back to me. They sent me two letters, one telling me that I did not include my W2 and they will throw out my case 10 days from the date of the letter, which was 7 days ago. The other is a packet of stuff asking me how much I am making now. I included that all in the first packet. Why do they need another packet of way more information to tell them what was included in the first packet. This is extremely frustrating.
 Meanwhile, my ex-wife is getting more than half of my paycheck, which isn't that much to begin with, getting more put into arrears, on top of getting daycare payments for my son who shouldn't be in that much day care to begin with. Granted I know he could still be in day care, he is only in the 2nd grade. But shouldn't the amount have decreased. But the Office of Recovery Services doesn't care about that, they don't care if they are charging me more than what they should. They couldn't care about being a non-custodial parent.
 I want to sue the state of Utah, but I doubt it would do anything. Bureaucrats will find a way out of paying for the issues they will cause always.
 So I am sitting here, unable to pay bills, unable to buy good food, unable to live a happy life while the State of Utah sits on paperwork, causes more paperwork to be done, and just overall makes my life a nightmare. I don't deserve this, and my wife doesn't deserve having to be the main breadwinner for us.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Finally decided to join Twitter.

  I have a lot of thoughts through out the day, and I think they should be shared. Not all of them, no one should ever know all the thoughts you have during the day. But sharing ones that have meaning will always be a good thing. I want this country to become what it was meant to be, before politicians twisted the words of the Constitution, before corruption crept in, before laziness and socialism set in and drove us to the point where people depend on the government to do what they should want to do.
  I am an injured veteran, I could easily depend on the government to help me and sustain me, but where is the pride in that. Who would I be if I let the government take care of me, just another sucker at the teat of the hard work of others. I can still work, I can still offer something to my community, to my country, to my world. I will not ever succumb to the feelings that it is OK to be a burden upon the taxpayers. Why should others have to support me, am I a vegetable, am I incapable of speech, of writing, of thinking for myself? No, I can always offer something, someone will be inspired by my words, someone will find what I can do, what I can say of worth. And why shouldn't they, my words are meant to inspire, to help, to show that there is a better way. To show that no matter what, thinking for yourself, doing what you can will always be better than being given something taken from someone else.